In light of this, a larger fund (>$ 200 million in committed capital) should be sought as an early lead to both provide seed dollars but more importantly to reserve a significant amount of capital for follow-on investment. 鉴于此,需要找一支规模较大的基金(承诺资本超过2亿美元)作为早期领投者,除了提供首轮融资外,更重要的是能有相当数量的资金用于后续投资。
As a bank it faces more intrusive supervision from the Federal Reserve, tougher capital requirements and restrictions on investing. 作为一个银行它将面临美联储更多的监管,更严格的资本储备率和投资限制。
The rest cancel investment, lay off employees and reserve capital. 剩下的人取消投资,解散员工并储备现金。
But when they were doing these deals for other banks, the question of reserve capital became more important the others were mainly interested in cutting their reserve requirements. 但当他们为其他银行进行这些交易时,资本准备金的问题变得更加重要其他银行主要对削减准备金要求感兴趣。
Safeguarding the bank's reserve capital was rather an adventurous business in the Border Region. 保卫银行储备金在解放区是相当冒险的事。
Article 40 Capital reserve includes premium on capital stock, legal increment of property value through revaluation and value of donated assets accepted, etc. 第四十条资本公积金包括股本溢价、法定财产重估增值、接受损赠的资产价值等。
Determined reserve accumulation implied huge capital exports to the issuer of the reserve currency, with the result that the US experienced the mother of all bubbles. 坚定不移地累积储备,意味着巨额资本输出至储备货币发行国,结果导致美国遭遇有史以来最严重的泡沫。
What the G20 can initiate through the IMF is a set of rules that limits the accumulation of reserve assets and sterilisation of capital inflows. 20可通过imf制定一套规则,用以遏制积累储备资产和冲销资本流入的行为。
Table ii, containing an estimate of the amount of the reserve funds and working capital funds as at the end of2006; 表二,载有截至2006年底的储备基金和周转基金的概算;
JPMorgan had been one of the few big banks that the Federal Reserve had allowed to return capital to shareholders after successfully passing "stress tests" on its balance sheet in March. 在今年3月成功通过针对其资产负债表的“压力测试”后,摩根大通成为美联储(fed)允许将资本金返还股东的少数大银行之一。
A proposal for a company owned by Ugandans of Indian descent to grow sugar on a nature reserve sparked riots in the capital this month. 一项印裔乌干达人的公司在自然保护区经营蔗糖种植的议案点燃了本月首都骚乱。
The new round of quantitative easing by the US Federal Reserve will amplify these capital flows to emerging markets, with some such as Brazil, South Africa, Turkey and India already facing not only currency appreciation but also widening current account deficits. 美联储(Fed)推出的新一轮定量宽松举措,将加剧这些资本向新兴市场的流入,巴西、南非、土耳其和印度等国已经同时面临着货币升值和经常账户赤字不断扩大的局面。
Faced with this unpleasant situation it should not be surprising that emerging markets have begun to take action, including a combination of appreciation, reserve accumulation and capital controls. 面对这种不利的局面,新兴国家开始采取行动包括打出一套本币升值、增加储备和资本管制的“组合拳”也不足为怪。
By closely monitoring each bank individually and responding to lending surges with regular targeted reserve requirement adjustments and tighter capital requirements the regulators hope to smooth out the credit cycle and keep overall credit growth in check. 监管机构希望,通过对各家银行进行单独的密切监控,以及以定期进行的存款准备金率调整和更严格的资本金要求来应对信贷激增,能够平抑信贷周期,并控制总体信贷增长。
In risk compensation mechanism, guarantee organization is unable to draw enough risk reserve capital, and fund compensation system of all levels governments have not be founded effectively. 目前,在风险补偿机制上,担保机构无力提取足够的风险准备金,各级政府的基金补偿制度未得到全面有效的建立。
One of the most conditions that Hebei will have realized a great-leaped development of e-conomy is to go up to a new terrace in the reserve of per-capita capital. 河北省实现经济跨越式发展的一个重要条件就是省内人均资本存量跃上一个平台。
Monetary Policy Effect of Reserve Requirement and Capital Adequacy Ratio System 存款准备金与资本充足率监管的货币政策效应
Their main measures are: improve material manage-ment to speed up the turnover of reserve capital; 他们的主要做法是:改善物资管理,加速储备资金的周转;
Think of Activating Reserve Capital in Last Phase Mine 晚期矿山盘活存量资产的思考
Transactions of physical contribution and asset revaluation gains should be recorded at the actual value with deductions for future income tax, also as Reserve Funds of Capital Surplus. 在发生接受捐赠实物资产业务和资产评估增值业务时,应按捐赠实物资产价值和资产评估增值款扣款未来应交的所得税,暂计资本公积准备项目。
This paper analysed directly the present situation of reserve capital of last phase mine, put forward the meaning, content and method of activating reserve capital. 有针对性的分析晚期矿山存量资产的现状,提出盘活存量资产的意义、内容及方法。
Latest Exploration of Theory of Sports Reserve Talent Capital 竞技体育后备人才资本理论新探
The enterprise can control its reserve of cash capital through establishing a capital ration controlling model. 企业应通过建立货币资金定量控制模型,对货币资金存量进行控制,以满足财务适应性的要求。
The paper point out advices that establishing system of finance guarantee about land reserve and purchase capital based on positive cycle of land capital and distributing system of land proceeds. 提出从土地收购储备资金良性循环体系和土地收益分配体系两方面构建土地收购储备资金财政保障体系。
But there are some opposite phenomena in the recent economic development, such as seriously excessive domestic reserve fund and crowded foreign capital. 但是在我国近年来的经济发展中却出现了与此相背的现象:国内储蓄资金严重过剩,而且与此同时外资却大量引进。
The internal rating result is applicable to the management of various daily business, which includes credit limit, warning system, product evaluation, risk suggestion, set-up reserve, economic capital and combinational management. 内部评级结果被应用到信用限额、预警体系、产品定价、风险报告、准备金计提、经济资本、组合管理等各项日常业务管理中。
This study shows that not only overconfident managers follow the pecking-order financing theory, but also they are inclined to internal financing and reserve more internal capital through paying less dividend. 本文研究发现过度自信管理者选择的融资策略不仅遵循融资优序理论,而且更倾向于内源融资,通过支付更少股利的方式以储备更多的内部资金。
Chapter ⅳ investigates the transmission mechanism of deposit reserve ratio to the capital market. 第四章介绍存款准备金率调整对资本市场的传导机制。
If the demand for land reserve is strong in the future, we can reserve more land and increasing land reserve cycle, allow appropriate capital accumulation. 若预测未来对土地储备需求较强,可以多储备土地,适当提高土地储备周期,允许由此造成适当资金积淀。
When the international capital adopts the synopsis the way to enter the stock market, The international capital may influence stock market indirectly, through the macroeconomic variable such as the exchange rate, the interest rate, the foreign exchange reserve, the capital formation and so on. 当国际资本不能直接进入证券市场时,国际资本可以通过对汇率、利率、外汇储备、资本形成等宏观经济环境的影响,来间接影响证券市场。